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【Free MEV系列】| Flashbot 捆绑交易与实践
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- thinkingchaindotapp
使用Rust 与 Ethers 通过 Flashbots 提交多个交易捆绑(bundle)到区块链中,以增加交易被包含在目标区块中的概率
- etherscan 结果
- 源码
use ethers::prelude::*;
use ethers_flashbots::*;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use url::Url;
use std::str::FromStr;
use ethers::core::types::transaction::eip2718::TypedTransaction;
use anyhow::Result;
use std::env;
use dotenv::dotenv;
async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let private_key = env::var("PRIVATE_KEY").expect("error private key");
let rpc_url = env::var("RPC_URL").expect("error private key");
let provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from(rpc_url)?;
let bundle_signer = LocalWallet::from_str(&private_key)?;
let wallet = LocalWallet::from_str(&private_key)?;
// Set chainId for Sepolia testnet
// `cast chain-id --rpc-url {your rpc}`
let wallet = wallet.with_chain_id(11155111u64);
let bundle_signer = bundle_signer.with_chain_id(11155111u64);
// Add signer and Flashbots middleware
let client = SignerMiddleware::new(
let bundle = get_bundle_for_test(&client).await?;
let current_block_number = client.inner().inner().get_block_number().await?;
let bundle: BundleRequest = bundle
.set_simulation_timestamp(1731851886) // 2024-11-17 21:58:06
.set_block(current_block_number + 1);
let raw_txs: Vec<Bytes> = bundle.transactions()
.map(|tx| match tx {
BundleTransaction::Signed(inner) => inner.rlp(),
BundleTransaction::Raw(inner) => inner.clone(),
println!("Simulated bundle: {:?}", raw_txs);
// Submitting multiple bundles to increase the probability on inclusion, plz be patient :)
for x in 0..100 {
let bundle = get_bundle_for_test(&client).await?;
let bundle = bundle.set_block(current_block_number + x);
println!("Bundle Initialized");
println!("Current block height: {}", current_block_number + x);
let pending_bundle = client.inner().send_bundle(&bundle).await?;
let transactions = pending_bundle.transactions.clone();
match pending_bundle.await {
Ok(bundle_hash) => {
println!("🤖 Bundle with hash {:?} was included in target block",bundle_hash);
println!("🎉 Transaction hashes: {:?}", transactions);
Err(PendingBundleError::BundleNotIncluded) => {
println!("Bundle was not included in target block.")
Err(e) => println!("An error occurred: {}", e),
async fn get_bundle_for_test<M: 'static + Middleware, S: 'static + Signer>(client: &SignerMiddleware<M, S>) -> Result<BundleRequest> {
let mut nonce = client.get_transaction_count(client.address(), None).await?;
// Send me a coffee in test network :)
let mut tx: TypedTransaction = TransactionRequest::pay("0x510CB00000074c9f5063e81bd4647d00905Abd11", 100).into();
let mut bundle = BundleRequest::new();
// Create a bundle with multiple transactions
for _ in 0..2 {
client.fill_transaction(&mut tx, None).await?;
nonce += U256::from(1);
let signature = client.signer().sign_transaction(&tx).await?;
// Use rlp_signed with only the signature
bundle = bundle.push_transaction(tx.rlp_signed(&signature));